Frequently Asked Questions
What time does school start and end?
School hours can be found on the About Our School page.
When does the school bus pick up and drop off my child?
You can find route information for your child, including information about snow routes and more, at the District Student Transportation page.
Do you have before school or after school programs?
Information on before and after school programs can be found on the After School Programs page under the Programs section of the website.
How can I contact my child's teacher?
Contact information for teachers can be found in the Staff Directory.
How can I find out about school closures?
- Information regarding school closures can be found on the School Closures page.
- You may also register for closure alerts on
What should I do if my child is sick?
- In general, you will need to keep a sick child at home so they won't spread their illness to other students and staff.
Students should never come to school if they have a fever or have thrown up in the last 24 hours. - For a guide about student health from the Multnomah Education Service District, click here.
- Remember to call and let your school know that your child is sick and at home.
What if I think my child has the flu?
Click here for a collection of useful information about the flu and what to do.
What vaccinations does my child need?
Vaccine and Immunization information is available on the District Parent Resources page.
How do I register my child for school?
Contact us for registration information, or visit the District Enrollment page.
Where can I find the school supply list?
We are providing the supplies your student will need.
When are parent conferences?
Parent Conference dates can be found on the School Calendar.
What is the PTC?
McCarty's Parent Teacher Club (PTC) supports the school's students and staff in multiple ways, including fundraising, volunteering. More information can be found on the Dexter McCarty PTC Information page.
Where can I find breakfast or lunch menus?
Click here for menu information from Chartwells, the GBSD food service provider.
Can I pay for meals online?
We offer free breakfast and lunch to all students.
Where can I learn about or sign up to volunteer?
- First, check with your school's Parent Club.
- Additionally, you may also go to the Volunteer Information page to learn more or to access the online volunteer application.